Member-only story
Based on a Frida Kahlo painting

I have only just discovered Ekphrastic poetry and thought I would give it a try! Ekphrastic poetry is looking at a work of art and creating poetry from it. I thought I would try it and see what I could get from one my favorite artist Frida Kahlo. I chose Frida and her piece called ‘The wounded deer 1946’ as it expresses enduring her physical and emotional pain. So here is my first ekphrastic poem.
Betrayal of life
Stabbed in the heart, the back, and the throat,
My dry bones shattered into fragments twisted,
The trauma of my barren womb removed,
Abandoned and alone in this foreign land,
My body betrays me over and over,
Yet here I stand.
My face hides a thousand fears and insecurities,
Men reject my limping legs and female form,
Karma would see me childless,
The love I hoped for Never went to plan,
My body betrays me over and over,
Yet still here I stand.
My feet shake on the undergrowth beneath me,
I can only control the steps I seldom take,
A rough hand I have been dealt,
A bitter pill to swallow and…