The Moon And I

3 min readSep 26, 2023

Free verse

Photo by Kym MacKinnon on Unsplash

The Moon has been a companion of mine for some time,
A luminous pale celestial body whose black eye I could see from far away,
I once heard a story that the sun and the Moon were married,
And one day they had a quarrel where the Sun hit the Moon in a violent outburst.
They agreed that the Sun would govern the day shining his light over the world,
Whilst she would gently retreat into the night.
I found myself drawn to her mysterious face,
Looking up at the night sky, admiring her gaze down upon me as everyone slept,
As I grew older, I learned that the female Goddess would mean so much more to me than a mere alluring light.
Her cycles of waxing and waning, ebbing, and flowing mirrored my moods, my menstrual cycle, and phases in life,
Her waxing echoed the fullness in my body,
Her waning helping me purge emotions I no longer needed to hold onto,
I was moody like she was moody,
The lunar Goddess was gentle, yet she had a fierce streak so strong she could pull tides,
I could not pull tides, but I could throw bottles and smash mirrors in an erratic state of lunacy.
The word lunatic comes from the Latin ‘Luna’ which loosely translates as moonstruck,
I certainly have been Moonstruck,
Although I loved the sun for its warmth and brightness,
He could never compare to her ever-changing beauty,
Even wolves howl under a full Moon never bowing to the sun,
The Moon taught me to trust my intuition and in the seasons of…




Written by Z-Louise

‘Variety is the spice of life’ Lover of quotes and quiet time! Please feel free to support my writing here

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